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Great Family Car

Posted by blindboy, 780 days ago

Tags: home_life

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Reading article "Great Family Car" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Hello i was with my freind the other day and he let me drive his prius. I think that a prius is a great family car if you have the funds. A prius is a hybrid which gets gas mileage like 40-50mpg. The prius's battery charges while you go idle and i thoguht it charges slow but his battery got a few bars after only a few minutes (the whole batter is only like 10 bars). The prius is also a sedan which makes it great for the family. Priuses are basically like computerized cars because they are mostly electronic and tehy ahve this great LCD display screen for your mileage and it also graphs your car movements and tells you inforamtion such as teh tempreture. The prius's breaks are also really powerful. The car itself has around 100 hp and is very light and also has 4 disk breaks which causes it to stop isntantanously if you step on the breaks. All in all the prius is a great car for the family and especially if you commute. Reply to this


  1. Re: Great Family Car by duncan, 780 days ago

    When I was over in Australia last year a friend pointed out that pretty much all cabs are Prius' - what a great idea. Cab drivers get to save the world *and* take you home :)

    Serioulsy, though, the Prius looks like a great car and from what I've read it has been hugely successful, with more hybrids like it to come in the future...

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