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Useful Garbage.com

Posted by ecosrights, 706 days ago

Tags: waste garbage second hand new homes home_life

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Someone posted on this last week on one of our other discussions. I think it's a great idea - their "catch phrase" is "bringing together dumpers and finders of useful items"

At the moment it seems to cover a few sections of the UK, so have a look and see if there is anyhting of interest to you - or it might be a good way of passing something along. Reply to this article / Report this article
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Re: Useful Garbage.com by ecosrights, 706 days ago

I most definitely think that London needs more recycling facilities. I'm not a resident in London, so I'm not familiar with what's provided if you live there, but I think that the shopping areas / tourist areas should have a much higher number of recycling points for paper, plastic and cans. The few recycling bins that I see in Tottenham Court Road are just about always full, which indicates that people want to recycle and with the advent of the extra free papers being dished out everywhere (plus job papers and other leaflets) I really think that there should be as many paper recycling bins as rubbish bins, if not more.

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