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Santa Barbara-Organic Food Restaurant (only 2 of them)

Posted by OrganicDude, 202 days ago

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There are currently only two organic restaurants in Santa Barbara. Eclectic IV has temporarily closed due to problems with their lease :(

Sojourners Cafe (http://www.sojournercafe.com/) has a local and organic menu (with amazing vegan pastries). The prices are totally affordable and the food is extremely satisfying. They have been in the sustainable business, catering to vegans and vegetarians and omnivores for 30 years now. Way to be ahead of the curve! Go natural food!

Spiritland Bistro (http://www.spiritlandbistro.com/) is another natural organic restaurant in SB. This place is quite expensive compared to Sojourners Cafe but it is a much more "Wealthy Santa Barbara" type eating experience. I have not yet eaten there, but I will when I do a culinary review of their restaurant.

A third partly organic option (I know I said only 2) is to get to Chipotles. Yes they are a chain, but they are a responsible chain and do use generally high quality meat and often use organic produce.

Enjoy dining sustainable in Santa Barbara and drop me a line at OrganicRestaurants@gmail.com if you are ever in town.

Evan Jerkunica


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