Green news and views
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Latest posts in Swindon
- Big green home show 2007 by ecosrights, 388 days ago At the Big Green Home Show we've brought together the latest thinking and innovation in eco construction materials and techniques to give you all t...
- Eastbrook farm by ecosrights, 772 days ago A well known campaigner for bringing organic meat into the mainstream. Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, veal, sausages and offal 01793 790 460
- Coleshill local food festival and organics... by ecosrights, 819 days ago Open day on Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Coleshill Organics operate from the walled gardens of the National Trust village of Coleshill and are f...
- Dorcan swimming pool and leisure centre by ecosrights, 824 days ago
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