Mum And Working
Posted by duncan, 39 days ago

If you want to learn about organic food, nappies or just how to be green then why not join today?

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Re: Beach Pollution by ecosrights
Re: Beach Pollution by ecosrights
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Reading article "Mum And Working" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
I don't know why more of the established job websites don't offer something similar to this - Mum And Working is 'the UK's first online job directory of part-time jobs for full time Mums!'.
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I don't know why more of the established job websites don't offer something similar to this - Mum And Working is 'the UK's first online job directory of part-time jobs for full time Mums!'.
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I think this site is a great idea as there are so few places around where a mum can find work.
Having said that, most of the roles are sales or party co-ordinators. If anyone knows of sites or agencies that specialise in part time professional work (lawyers, accountants, project managers, HR people etc) then please let us know.
Or does anyone know of message boards for posting requirements for roles such as these? Somewhere where you can say "I need someone to do my books, it'll take about 4 hours a week" or whatever. Would you use it if it was there? I know that I'm very fortunate working part time in a professional role, but when I was made redundant 18 months ago it was very disheartening as there was so little out there and it was only through a connection that I was lucky enough to find a job that met my requirements on hours.
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