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The Alnwick Garden

Posted by duncan, 786 days ago

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Reading event "The Alnwick Garden" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Open every day except Christmas Day, this sounds a lovely place to take the kids:

"The Alnwick Garden has been created with children in mind, who will find fun, exciting and interesting experiences throughout The Garden. Lots of the water can be played in, and it's easy to get wet so please bring a change of clothes. Younger visitors can run through the Grand Cascade's jets, drive the miniature tractors and collect water in their buckets or splash in the rills.

They can also visit the Poison Garden to hear gruesome stories about nasty plants, play hide and seek in the secret places in the Ornamental Garden or run along The Treehouse's rope bridges to see how much they wobble. The Treehouse is a wonderful place for families to eat together, with great menu choices for children, and there are also lovely spots to enjoy a picnic."

I'd just like to point out that The Alnwick Garden sounds like a great place for Dads too ;o)


Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

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  1. Re: The Alnwick Garden by ninikins, 764 days ago

    Sounds like an exciting and interesting day out, I will keep it in mind.

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