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London Pedestrian Routemap

Posted by duncan, 239 days ago

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Reading article "London Pedestrian Routemap" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Do you work in London and want to get into the habit of walking more? Ever had the feeling that the famous tube map makes your journey look a but longer than it really is? Well, try out this new pedestrain routemap and you probably find a few shortcuts on your journey, to keep you off the tube and on the pavements!


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  1. Re: London Pedestrian Routemap by ecosrights, 238 days ago

    I, for one, can honestly say that it's often easier to walk in London than jump on the Tube. I walk from Charing Cross to close to Warren Street each day. It's a good 20 minute walk, but considering that on the tube it takes at least 15 minutes (including walking around the stations) and you can't guarantee the time due to delays etc and it costs quite a bit, it's much easier walking.

    (I admit to resorting to the bus about once a month if I'm running late, but I've not worked out where the bus goes from to get back to Charing Cross)

    Walking is the easiest, and cheapest form of exercise, so get out there and try walking your normal tube route, you may be surprised (and you may save money!)

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    1. Re: Re: London Pedestrian Routemap by Anonymous, 35 days ago

      Which way do you walk? also, what bus do you get? Just thinking of the tube problems over the next couple of days

      Many Thanks


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      1. Re: Re: Re: London Pedestrian Routemap by ecosrights, 35 days ago

        Up St Martin's Lane... to the 7 Stars junction, Monmouth Street, over Oxford Street etc and then up the road parallel to Tottenham Court Road to Bedford Square - cut through at any point. It's not a bad walk...

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