Thames Water Waterwise
Posted by jane, 879 days ago

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Re: Ditch those Nasty Clean... by ecosrights
Reading article "Thames Water Waterwise" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Hints and tips, including a link to buy a cheap water butt, for saving water. Worth a read regardless of where you are
And some useful leaflets and a place to get a free water hippo for your toilet
Hints and tips, including a link to buy a cheap water butt, for saving water. Worth a read regardless of where you are
And some useful leaflets and a place to get a free water hippo for your toilet


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whats a water hippo?
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It's a bag that you can put in the cistern of your toilet so that it takes less water to fill, therefore reducing your water consumption. Aparently they are worth having on all toilets over 5 years old (new ones TEND to have a smaller cistern, and there's a different type of saver for those)
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Damn... there go all the amusing images of small hippos living in my toilet...
Good idea, though.
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