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Building the Gherkin

Posted by duncan, 903 days ago

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Reading event "Building the Gherkin" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
"Just a month and a day after the September 11 attack, the first steel beam of a new skyscraper is erected in London.

One question is on everybody's mind: is it the right decision to build an iconic tower in the midst of London's financial district, on a site that has already been bombed?

The 40-storey steel and glass construction goes on to spark further controversy. Its size and shape are so radical that it is immediately nicknamed ' The Erotic Gherkin'.

Will the Gherkin become the landmark Foster and his team dream of?"

Looks like an interesting film, it's really become part of the London skyline too.


Start date Start date: Wed Jun 21, 2006
End date End date: Wed Jun 21, 2006

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  1. The Gherkin by carpas, 877 days ago

    I hope nothing happens to the Gherkin building I have friends who clean the windows on it. I used to drive pass it everyday and think it should have been called The Sore Thumb. Not a nice looking building.

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    1. Re: The Gherkin by suttree, 877 days ago

      I had a friend who helped install the light on the top of Canary Wharf - brave people, indeed.

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