Treehugger | Walmart is going organic
Posted by duncan, 880 days ago

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Reading article "Treehugger | Walmart is going organic" - Reply to this / 6 comment(s)
Walmart is going organic, so does this mean that ASDA will follow suit?
Walmart is going organic, so does this mean that ASDA will follow suit?


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Wal-Mart may be big, but they aren't dumb. They'll follow with ASDA in order to compete with the small inroads Tesco is making into organic sales.
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I certainly hope they take this work from the US to the UK..... Asda is currently quite a way down the list for organic produce (although I have noticed that this varies significantly from one store to another... some are great, others aren't. It's v much dependant upon the local area)
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I was talking to a local potato broker here in Scotland yesterday. This year, they are overrun with requests from Tesco and ASDA at the last minute. Given that most of the crop is pre-sold and they aren't likely to get much at such short notice, they are now looking to buy up farmland which is considered 'organic'. The trend is here.
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my Walmart's had this for a long time, but it's too expensive for my tastes... still, a movement in the right direction and it offers an alternative!
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if organice got a bit cheaper more people would be able to buy it and supermarkets would sell mor etc etc
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This is a market with lots of potential for Wal-Mart and other stores that target middle and lower class consumers.
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