Green news and views
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Latest Events posts in London, Page 2
- Fruitstock 2007 - village fete by ecosrights, 588 days ago Please see the comments below - this year it's not Fruitstock as we know it, but a village fete. OK, the website isn't up yet, but I've managed ...
- Ecobuild by duncan, 695 days ago A conference for eco building: "Now in its third year, Ecobuild is the UK’s most established event dedicated to sustainability and the bu...
- London design festival by ecosrights, 801 days ago The London Design Festival was established in 2003 as an annual event to celebrate and promote London and the UK’s design creativity. It is ...
- Fruit stock by suttree, 880 days ago
- Open garden squares weekend by suttree, 886 days ago
- London sustainability weeks by suttree, 886 days ago
- Building the gherkin by duncan, 904 days ago
- Puppet barge summer tour by suttree, 904 days ago
- London water bus by suttree, 904 days ago
- Biodiversity, climate change and unsutaina... by suttree, 910 days ago