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Swanley and District Environment Group

Posted by duncan, 733 days ago

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Reading event "Swanley and District Environment Group" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
"Swanley Town Council wanted to mark the Millennium in a permanent way, and it was decided that an Environmental Area for the local community to enjoy would be an innovative addition to the Parish. Thus, a small parcel of land at the top of Swanley Park was set aside in 2000.

Advice was sought from BTVC and North West Kent Countryside Project about suitable wildflower plants, trees and shrubs to attract wildlife to the area. In Spring 2001 the scheme started with over 40 volunteers helping to plant 1 400 wild flower plug plants and 25 trees and shrubs. Following this initial planting, volunteers formed the Swanley and District Environment Group and have continued work in the environmental area since 2001, adding new hedge areas, planting many trees, creating habitats, mulching trees and hedges and most recently making bird boxes for the area."


Recurrence Occurs on the Last Saturday of every month.

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