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Dartford Half Marathon

Posted by suttree, 250 days ago

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Reading event "Dartford Half Marathon" - Reply to this / 6 comment(s)
Location: Central Park Athletics Track, Central Park, Dartford, from 9am to 1pm.

Family Fun Run for all ages with all proceeds going to Cancer Research. Fun Run starts at 9.15.am with the Half Marathon starting at 9.00am.

Start date Start date: Sun Jul 23, 2006 09:00 AM
End date End date: Sun Jul 23, 2006 13:00 PM

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  1. Any more info by jane, 249 days ago

    Where can I find out more about this? Is there a website around for it or anything like that?

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    1. Re: Any more info by duncan, 249 days ago

      Try here:


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  2. Re: Any more info by Dan, 248 days ago

    is anyone planning to go in this?
    How fit do you need to be?

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    1. Re: Re: Any more info by ecosrights, 248 days ago

      I've checked out the site and they don't tell you how far the fun run is (and the links to the Dartford Harrier site don't give you more info either). I'll see what i can find out.

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  3. Re: Dartford Half Marathon by jane, 207 days ago

    Found the results....

    Dartford Half Marathon results

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  4. Re: Dartford Half Marathon by ecosrights, 28 days ago

    For info on 2007's run, see here

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