The dangers of Soya
Posted by suttree, 205 days ago

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Reading article "The dangers of Soya" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
The Guardian has an interesting piece about Soya. Now that it's seemingly everywhere, it's probably a good time to learn about the history and production of Soya.
In 1940:
"It was not until the 1940s that industry worked out how to deactivate the enzyme inhibitor in the protein meal sufficiently for animals to tolerate it, and it was only technology taken from the Nazis at the end of the second world war that solved the problem of the oil's horrible smell and flavour. That left the way for the US to promote the soya that suited its agricultural conditions as part of the reconstruction of Europe through the 1950s."
In 1991
"We discovered quite quickly," he recalls, "that soya contains toxins and plant oestrogens powerful enough to disrupt women's menstrual cycles in experiments. It also appeared damaging to the thyroid."
And now, Soya is in 60% of all processed foods. The key word there is processed, though, so once again it pays to eat organically, healthily and locally.
The Guardian has an interesting piece about Soya. Now that it's seemingly everywhere, it's probably a good time to learn about the history and production of Soya.
In 1940:
"It was not until the 1940s that industry worked out how to deactivate the enzyme inhibitor in the protein meal sufficiently for animals to tolerate it, and it was only technology taken from the Nazis at the end of the second world war that solved the problem of the oil's horrible smell and flavour. That left the way for the US to promote the soya that suited its agricultural conditions as part of the reconstruction of Europe through the 1950s."
In 1991
"We discovered quite quickly," he recalls, "that soya contains toxins and plant oestrogens powerful enough to disrupt women's menstrual cycles in experiments. It also appeared damaging to the thyroid."
And now, Soya is in 60% of all processed foods. The key word there is processed, though, so once again it pays to eat organically, healthily and locally.,,1828158...


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Yes, there are dangers in over doing it, but it's also an excellent form of protein (low fat, high quality etc) but go for something like Cauldron organic tofu so that it's non GM as well.
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And here's and inconclusive overview from
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