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Battersea Dogs & Cats Home

Posted by suttree, 231 days ago

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Reading event "Battersea Dogs & Cats Home" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
"Come and meet the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home at the Kent Show form the 14th - 16th July at the County Showground in Detling, Maidstone."

I have fond memories of going to the Kent Show as a kid, coming home with a sweet black rabbit too. It's a great day out for the family, even if you don't come home with an extra addition to the family!


Start date Start date: Fri Jul 14, 2006 09:20 AM
End date End date: Sun Jul 16, 2006 17:20 PM

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  1. lovely by ninikins, 230 days ago

    It sound slovely and I wish I could go. But it might be better I didnt. I'd come home with too many animals.

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    1. Re: lovely by duncan, 228 days ago

      I know what you mean. On the one hand, it's a good way to find owners for pets who need them, but on the other it's a bit of a risk - putting animals back into the hands of owners who might be not so caring after the novelty wears off.

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  2. .. by ninikins, 228 days ago

    Do they still screen people and their homes before allowing the animals to go there? Not sure how that works now, but it used to be the case.

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