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Junk Mail

Posted by duncan, 1157 days ago

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Reading article "Junk Mail" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Having just received a fistful of junk mail through the letter box, here's a way to reduce the rubbish through your door.

You can either write to Royal Mail, saying "I would like to opt out of receiving Door to Door items" at this address:

Door to Door Customer Services
Room 130
Wheatstone House
Wheatstone Road

Or, you can email them directly at or even call you local delivery office on 08457 740 740.

Does anyone have any other good tips?


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  1. Re: Junk Mail by ecosrights, 1069 days ago

    You can register here to have junk mail stopped.

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    1. Re: Re: Junk Mail by Anonymous, 599 days ago

      The address for opting out of Royal Mail door drops has changed. If you want to stop leaflets delivered by the postman you now have to write to:

      Freepost RRBT-ZBXB-TTTS
      Door to Door Opt Outs
      Royal Mail
      Kingsmead House
      Oxpens Road
      OX1 1RX

      The e-mail address (optout@royalmail.com) is still the same.

      Also, there's an excellent new website with lots of information about stopping junk mail: www.stopjunkmail.org.uk.

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