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The Mick Jagger Centre

Posted by suttree, 934 days ago

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Reading article "The Mick Jagger Centre" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
A surprisingly good way to spend the evening in Dartford. Beats hanging around outside McDonalds.


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  1. Forgot to add this.. by suttree, 934 days ago

    The page of listings:


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  2. Re: The Mick Jagger Centre by ninikins, 867 days ago

    I dislike the name but more than that I always wonder why concert tickets have to be this ridiculously expensive. It makes going out with the entire family almost impossible.

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    1. Re: Re: The Mick Jagger Centre by duncan, 867 days ago

      If you're 'in the know' you can call it the mjc, apparently. The prices over there aren't too bad either, quite cheap tickets but that's mainly because the bands that play there are fairly unknown.

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  3. Re: The Mick Jagger Centre by ecosrights, 866 days ago

    Still, agree that live concert gigs tend to be pricey. You half expect £20 for a ticket in London, but the gig I went to in Dartford was £16, which was quite a bit

    The advantage is that it's a smaller venue, so you're more part of it (and for us it's only a 15 minute walk from home!)

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