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Dartford Festival 2007

Posted by ecosrights, 541 days ago

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Reading event "Dartford Festival 2007" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Again, Dartford Council are pulling out all of the stops for the festival.

This year's headline artists include Ben Mills, Andy Abraham, Chico and The Real Thing, plus a lot of local artists including M Connection, Unpredictable, The Fore and Claire Graydon James.

It all starts with a procession on the Saturday, which arrives at the park at 12:00 for the grand opening. Having seen the procession a number of times, it's impressive and always surprises me how many diverse groups participate.

if you want to go along, or participate in the procession etc, just check out the site. It's certainly worth a visit.


Start date Start date: Sat Jul 21, 2007
End date End date: Sun Jul 22, 2007

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  1. Re: Dartford Festival 2007 by Anonymous, 510 days ago

    raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I love Dartford festival so much I cant wait.. whats happened to Tumblin Dice??? the best bit of talent to come from the area since the Rolling Stones... see you all there dudes!!! Greeny (mysticaldreamer74@gotmail.com)

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    1. Re: Re: Dartford Festival 2007 by Anonymous, 491 days ago

      I cannot believe the festival has again been cut back to finish even earlier. Do the powers that be believe that dartford residents do not deserve to have an evening of music. I have been comming to the festival for 5 or 6 years and have always enjoyed the day but even more so the evening of music and of course the beer tent. Please please dartford surely we do till midnight!

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  2. Re: Dartford Festival 2007 by ecosrights, 492 days ago

    The parade through the town centre starts at 10:00 and ends at the park at 12:00, so if the weather is dry (if only!) it's worth going to check it out. It's always fun to watch.

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    1. Re: Re: Dartford Festival 2007 by ecosrights, 489 days ago

      Having said that hte parade is worth going to, this year's was a real let down. there were only about 8 groups participating. I realise that many will have been put off by the recent weather, but it was hardly worth the effort this year, especially when last year's had been so good..... hmmm.....

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