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School Security

Posted by TicklyToes, 110 days ago

Tags: home_life

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This is a link to a Downing Street petition about school security systems in this country ... the following is taken directly from the petition:

"Whether one wants to check ones bank balance, or enquire when your supermarket delivery is due, one is often faced with a minimum 3 tier security check on the telephone. Name, date of birth, mothers maiden name, secret question and answer, first pets name and eldest child's name are but a few of the many questions asked. Why then is it perfectly acceptable for any adult to telephone a school claiming to be a parent of John Smith and glean information without security checks? Following the admission by our child's primary school in Essex, that they had discussed 'in detail' our sons information with a stranger claiming to be his parent we are calling that our children in the UK are protected. Why should our bank accounts and catalogue accounts afford deeper security than our children? After all one can replace stolen credit, one can not replace a child."
To sign, visit http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SchoolCallerID/


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