Recycling the things the council wont collect
Posted by ecosrights, 380 days ago

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Reading article "Recycling the things the council wont collect" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
I've just come across this great list on The Ecologist of where / how to recycle those things that the council wont collect, from yogurt pots to carpet underlay and wood. It's a great list and worth reviewing so that you can reduce the amount of landfill waste you put out each week / fortnight.
I've just come across this great list on The Ecologist of where / how to recycle those things that the council wont collect, from yogurt pots to carpet underlay and wood. It's a great list and worth reviewing so that you can reduce the amount of landfill waste you put out each week / fortnight.

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I've come across a few figures that show how poor we are at recycling in the UK.... at least the trend is on the up, but still if more of the things listed on the Ecologist site could be recycled from the street it would be easier.
"Local authorities collected 29.1 million tonnes of waste in 2006/7 from household collections and at civic amenity sites, an increase of 1.4% on the 28.7 million tonnes collected in 2005/6, according to estimates released by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Of that, household waste accounted for 25.9 million tonnes (89%), a 1.6% rise on the 2005/6 figure of 25.5 million tonnes..
The proportion which was recycled or composted rose from 27.1% in 2005/6 to 30.7% in 2006/7.
The percentage which ended up in landfill fell from 62% (17.9 million tonnes) in 2005/6 to 58% (16.9 million tonnes) in 2006/7"
Having said that, I think that people either recycle or don't - there is a very high proportion of people in the UK that just don't bother to make any effort at all....
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