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Oh Dear Apple

Posted by ecosrights, 540 days ago

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Reading article "Oh Dear Apple" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
And we thought that Apple was such a great company - they certainly make great machines, but their "green" record is bad. Almost makes you think twice (but then we have had our machines for over 2 years - it's not as if we upgrade regularly, so may be we aren't that bad)

http://wired.com/news/culture/mac/0,70739-0.htm... Reply to this


  1. I'm sadly not surprised by Bettina, 506 days ago

    I think they're very good at looking good, but the same as other huge computer companies. It will be interesting to see how they spin this.

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  2. :/ by ninikins, 506 days ago

    Well, at least it's made a start even if it is behind other computer brands. It's better than doing nothing.

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