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Reading article "Greenpeace" - Reply to this / 13 comment(s)
One of the most famous green campaign groups....
One of the most famous green campaign groups....


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There's no question that Greenpeace had heightened awareness, but do they go too far?
Does anyone else think that the tactics sometimes used by Greenpeace are a little over the top and can make them look silly rather than creating awareness?
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Greenpeace is nice, but they do get carried away, I'm all in favour of hydrogen cars, alt. energy sources, planting 4 trees for every one that cut down. But changing diets, lifestyles HORRIFFICALLY!, etc just takes it too far. It's like comparing bono to god.....
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I agree, in the past they have really gone too far with some of their campaigns. Thankfully now there are lots of other resources that aren't so extreme, so people are getting more moderated information, which is good. There is also a wider source of information out there.
Some of what they say is great, but others... needs to be taken with a pinch of salt! Breaking the law with your campaigns is too much...
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If you consider what Greenpeace have accomplished in the thirty-something years of their existance, I would much rather have them around than not. They've made HUGE inroads into curbing nuclear testing (mainly on innocent islanders in the Pacific), and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Some of their other achievements include the International Whaling Commission's ban on commercial whaling, a moratorium on ocean dumping of radioactive materials and a world-wide ban on the incineration of waste at sea.
There may be a few kooks involved (we have weirdos everywhere), but on the whole these are brave people who are willing to do something a bit more radical for the planet than separating their rubbish for recycling.
Think about it!
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I read they had been audited for tax evasion by the U.S. government. They do a lot of good, but at what price, I'm not sure.
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I'd love to read more about the Greenpeace audit if you have a link for it. Is it a witch hunt or for real?
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Cutting down trees supports terrorism...that will be the head line on CNN as Greenpeace begins their next campaign.....sounds like something from monty python almost...
spam spam spam spam.
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Recently, the media trend toward being criticial of Greenpeace seems to indicate that they've had their day. Can they continue with their same methods and be successful?
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Greenpeace are still needed and their sometimes over-the-top actions have often accomplished exactly what they coverage. Do you know exactly what kind of stuff your government condones when it comes to for example animal welfare? I don't and that's the kind of stuff that they make public.
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We can't please everybody, as the saying goes.
But we have to accept the fact that Greenpeace
has done much in order to save mother earth and
this is one thing that we have to be grateful.
We only have one place to live so we must take
care of it. I admire their being able to stop
Cargill of exploiting the soya plantation in
the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest
is one of the important places that needs to
be taken cared of.
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they've done a lot for the world, but I think they've moved to a more moderate POV - Sea Shephard, for example, is much more radical and has a lot of spinaways from Greenpeace who dind't like the way things were going!
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I think Greenpeace has been wonderful for the environment I do think they go too far at times--fanatics--but that's how they accomplish what they do I suppose!
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This might bring a smile to your face, whatever you think of Greenpeace:
(contains two swearwords, so don't watch it with the kids!)
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