LETS - Local Economic Trading System.............I would be interested to know if any of your members are actively involved in this in their local area. The basic idea is so simple - trading without money changing hands - eg
painting and decorating a room in exchange for the same number of hours gardening, walking a dog a few hours a week in exchange for having a pair of curtains made, laying a carpet in exchange for tree pruning, the posdsibilities are endless.
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Sombrero Fallout 904c2f2f-4e79-40b4-8830-16b4909b1948 The wearer of this fallout will receive many funny looks, but there can be no doubt that this is truly a king Sombrero in a world reduced to poor imitations.
This is a great scheme. Have you any website details for it?
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It was mentioned in The Guardian the other day, I think. Frustratingly I can't find a link, so these will have to do instead:
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As far as I'm aware the first lets system became established in the early 1980's,giving people the opportunity to exchange goods and services without exchanging traditional cash.
The variety offered is only limited by the types of people who join in. The more people who participate the more varied and rewarding the system becomes.
most people have the same initial reaction:"I don't have anything to offer that anyone would want" but as I said initially when I started this discussion - the possibilities are endless -the list is only limited by lack of imagination!
If you hate gardening, ironing,repairing clothes, washing cars, baking, painting and decorating but you can do car repairs, construct flatpack furniture, offer your car or van for transporting people or items of furniture, walk dogs,offer a typing service...............
see what I mean? It's simply an exchange of talents and services! Lets systems are not financially profit making, they're based on the exchange of talents and time.Bartering!
It's perfectly feasible to start with a register of two people, then as word spreads it can grow.
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