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Forum help

Posted by vicki2, 360 days ago

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I attempted to contact the forum webmaster through the 'contact' form but it appears not to be working. I would like to know how to change my registration so I DO NOT received notification of new posts. Please advise how I might accomplish this.

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CommentsReplying to this comment:
Re: Forum help by jane, 380 days ago

We'll sort this out for you within the next 24 hours. Apologies for the email not working.

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  1. Re: Re: Forum help by shinningstar, 380 days ago

    I don't have enough ideas to share with you because I haven't encountered it yet. The important thing to remember if you don't want to receive notification is not to tick the notification box after you make discussions and events. At first, I got problem too in this forum. I received an email notification that I copied articles from other site but the fact is I misunderstood the instruction given about looking for articles. That was my first post in this forum and it was embarrasing to think of. Why should I copied other articles if I have my own idea? But I guess it was my fault the only thing is the instruction was not briefly explained. i hope your problem will be answered as soon as possible.

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