Sometimes you head about how there are studies to prove the most mundanest of things, but here's one that people should pay more attention to:
"According to the "hygiene hypothesis," exposure early in life to infections from household dust, germy siblings or surfaces may reduce the risk of developing disease in adulthood."
It's a study that puts paid to the myth that all those sprays, detergents and air fresheners are doing us any good. There's an advert on TV that makes great play of the fact that it 'kills all known germs dead', but what about the good germs?
Clearly, as the hygiene hypothesis seems to prove, humans need to try to be a part of the ecosystem, not eradicate it from their homes.
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I don't understand why everyone has to cover up smealls etc. instead of just opening a window and letting some fresh air in.
Everything has to be sanitized and sterilized. The world is becoming germophobic!!!
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