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Automatic speed restrictions in London

Posted by duncan, 479 days ago

Tags: transport london tfl home_life

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This won't be popular:

"Vehicles in London could soon be fitted with technology that would automatically slow them down if they break the speed limit."

But it'll also takes years to become a reality, if at all. Reply to this article / Report this article
CommentsReplying to this comment:
A dynamic limiter? by sopaman, 487 days ago

I would have thought the traffic in London already did the job of slowing vehicles down quite effectively.... :) But seriously, I don't know how much value there would be in this. The article isn't completely clear though - we have lots of different speed limits, is the limiter just going to be for the highest limit, or is it going to dynamically adapt to the much lower urban limits? Limiters limiting the top speed are already standard on commercial vehicles, but a dynamic limiter on private vehicles seems a bit extreme.

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