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Rubbish collection may be taxed

Posted by duncan, 498 days ago

Tags: recycling home_life

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This isn't the way to do it. A proposal to tax rubbish collection that aims to encourage recycling is only going to encouragement resentment of recycling. Reply to this article / Report this article
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They've talked about it before by ecosrights, 499 days ago

It was all the rage a few years ago - they were going to charge per number of bags and the fear was that it would encourage people to dump their rubbish more either with neighbours' rubbish, or on waste ground and near public bins as well as just letting it blow around the streets.

Having said that, I think a more positive way would be to offer discounts for people that separate / recycle their rubbish. Discounts encourage people to see something as a positive as opposed to a negative. After all, it's cheaper or businesses to recycle their paper than have it collected as rubbish, so why shouldn't the general user / resident be allowed that benefit as well.

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