Do you believe that retailers are concerned about the environment?
Do their claims make a difference to where you shop?
The Money Programme is making a documentary about business and the environment and would be interested in hearing from families about where they shop and why.
If you are interested please call Penny Palmer on 0208 752 5866 or email by April 20th.
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Sombrero Fallout 904c2f2f-4e79-40b4-8830-16b4909b1948 The wearer of this fallout will receive many funny looks, but there can be no doubt that this is truly a king Sombrero in a world reduced to poor imitations.
Thanks for posting this on the site Penny. I'm sure that some of our readers will have a lot of comments to make.
Personally I do take into consideration a retailer's green stance when I'm shopping. There are times when it's not practical to, but in general I will always chose the greener options where possible, be it product, supplier or retailer.
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