Turtle Deformed By 6-Pack Plastic Ring
Posted by duncan, 938 days ago
Link: http://kutv.com/video/?id=16431@kutv.dayport.com

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Reading article "Turtle Deformed By 6-Pack Plastic Ring" - Reply to this / 16 comment(s)
Not a nice picture, so don't click the link unless you really want to see, but it does give you a clear idea why you should cut the rings on those plastic 6-Pack things.
Not a nice picture, so don't click the link unless you really want to see, but it does give you a clear idea why you should cut the rings on those plastic 6-Pack things.


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I am not going to look at the picture. I'm not good with this kind of stuff. I don't buy soda or beer in 6 packs buit I did when I was younger. I would always cut the rings into tiny pieces.
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Why doesn't all beer come in cardboard boxes now, anyway? when you get a couple of drinks at Starbucks you get neat cardboard trays, so why not cardboard packaging for beer. Bah, humbug.
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Oh man - that's actually terrible. How destructive. They should send this to the makers of the folk who package their products this way - if they used biodegradable plastics, maybe...
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YEs! If people saw this type of result from plastic rings, they would definitely think twice about NOT cutting them up or even buying them.
PS Still not going to look at the pic.
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Edible plastic, that would solve the problem.
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Edible plastic. well, there is such a thing as plastic made from orange peels I think. Also corn. check this out:
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my husband is rabid about cutting those things up into a thousand little pieces if we are unlucky enough to have one around.
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Good for him - this is clearly the reason why more people should go psycho-crazy over uncut drinks rings like your husband!
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If you buy cigarettes in the UK, the cartons are plastered in health warnings these days. I'd love to see warnings imprinted into these plastic rings, I'm sure it would have an impact.
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Oh definitely - I mean we have the most ridiculously obvious health warnings on a bunch of stuff, things like warnings reminding you not to iron clothes on your body on boxes of irons - /that/ ridiculous. This is one of the less obvious but still destructive things that I think people should be made aware of...
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But do people really pay attention to the warnings? They smoke despite knowing for certain that it is harmful to health. Not sure what the solution is...
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You're right, of course. The change needs to happen higher up the chain, so to speak.
What this does show is that there are plent of opportunites for green entrepreneurs to exploit - starting with these plastic rings and replacing them with cardboard ones.
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I hate plastic. I'm guilty of using plastic--especially ziploc bags (my downfall). I feel guilty every time I use them but they are SO convenient for portioning snacks for my kids.
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Only just seen this thread. That's really sad. I can't belive the message still hasn't gotten across to some people.
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maybe stuff should not be packaged in stuff that is potentially dangerous in the first place.
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That was a quite an awakening story. It is sad that the turtle had to suffer such a tragedy. Good thing though, he has been able to live this long. It gives us a greater awareness of how littering (possbily) or an accident like this can happen if we are not aware of the concequences or we do not make sure our trash truly reaches the trash. Hopefully we will be more aware of this in the future.
KP - Baltimore, MD
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