Not a nice picture, so don't click the link unless you really want to see, but it does give you a clear idea why you should cut the rings on those plastic 6-Pack things.
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Sombrero Fallout 904c2f2f-4e79-40b4-8830-16b4909b1948 The wearer of this fallout will receive many funny looks, but there can be no doubt that this is truly a king Sombrero in a world reduced to poor imitations.
That was a quite an awakening story. It is sad that the turtle had to suffer such a tragedy. Good thing though, he has been able to live this long. It gives us a greater awareness of how littering (possbily) or an accident like this can happen if we are not aware of the concequences or we do not make sure our trash truly reaches the trash. Hopefully we will be more aware of this in the future.
KP - Baltimore, MD
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