It's Waitrose again
Posted by jane, 712 days ago

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Reading article "It's Waitrose again" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Yet again, Waitrose are leading the way again (I knew I was pleased when they opened a store locally). They have decided that rather than wasting all of the "ugly" or what tends to be classed as unsellable fruit and veg because it isn't quite perfect, they are going to sell "ugly" goods at a reduced price.
Good for them!
Yet again, Waitrose are leading the way again (I knew I was pleased when they opened a store locally). They have decided that rather than wasting all of the "ugly" or what tends to be classed as unsellable fruit and veg because it isn't quite perfect, they are going to sell "ugly" goods at a reduced price.
Good for them!

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It's a good thing to know that they sell ugly fruits rather than throw it away. Sometimes fruit looks ugly but inside it's fine. I appreciate they have guts of reducing the price.
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