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UK Heatwave and Pollution

Posted by duncan, 451 days ago

Tags: pollution heat wave satellite health

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The BBC have collated a few images from a European satelite that show the heat and pollution that is amassing over the UK during the current heatwave.

You can clearly see how the built up areas like London and Manchester suffer as the heat and pollution are trapped by the still air and buildings. Reply to this article / Report this article
CommentsReplying to this comment:
Re: UK Heatwave and Pollution by Laura, 451 days ago

I agree, I have been in Thailand recently and the pollution in Bangkok was so much worse due to the heat being trapped in the city.

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  1. Re: Re: UK Heatwave and Pollution by duncan, 451 days ago

    Hi Laura,

    I've experience the same thing - I was in Hong Kong last year and you could taste the pollution in the air.

    Welcome to ecolocal by the way :)

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