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Fast food is worse that you first thought

Posted by suttree, 503 days ago

Tags: fast food junk food animal testing health

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It's in the New Scientist so the study carries more weight than most, pun intended, but it's a shame they had to feed a bunch of monkeys all this fast food to determine just how bad it is.

"Monkeys fed a diet rich in trans-fats – commonly found in fast foods – grew bigger bellies than those fed a diet rich in unsaturated fats, but containing the same overall number of calories. They also developed signs of insulin resistance, which is an early indicator of diabetes."

Surprisingly, monkeys fed with bananans and left to roam in the jungle survived much better. Reply to this article / Report this article
CommentsReplying to this comment:
Um... by Green Diva, 503 days ago

So why is that surprising? Aren't bananas a staple of the monkey's diet in real life? Duh...That's as bad as all the labels that say "Made with Real Milk". As opposed to fake milk? Arghh...

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