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What is the Healthiest Vegetable?

Posted by suttree, 119 days ago

Tags: food healthy eating vegetables diet health health

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It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Fibre, Potassium, Vitamin E *and* Calcium. Click the link to find out what it is ;) Reply to this article / Report this article
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Cooking & serving chard by Green Diva, 504 days ago

Chard is an excellent vegetable that's easy to prepare as well. Place in a glass dish and cover with wax paper. Steam in the microwave for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove sitr (it will be wilted) and add butter (optional) and lemon juice. Not sure I'd like it in a l;asagna though!

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  1. Re: Cooking & serving chard by jhoffman, 501 days ago

    Hey cool, that sounds really good actually.

    Gotta look out for some chard over here... But what does it taste like?

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    1. Re: Re: Cooking & serving chard by Green Diva, 483 days ago

      Hard to describe. Not like spinach, but sort of has that astringent pucker your mouth quality--but just slightly. Ummm. It tastes green? LOL. Sorry not much help.

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