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London Free List

Posted by suttree, 129 days ago

Tags: places to go free family

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"LondonFreeList lists all the events and attractions in London that you don't need much money to go to. They are all either free or cost no more than £3 maximum."

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London - Free? by jhoffman, 945 days ago

Oh wow! Thanks for this list - I'm amazed that they had /anything/ to put on this list at all... I'm going to have to check out some of these free comedy events... sounds interesting.

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  1. Re: London - Free? by suttree, 945 days ago

    Let's not forget that some of the best entertainment in London is free - the people.

    When the weather is nice, like today, just find a park and watch the many weird and wonderful Londoners doing their thing. Hours of fun...

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  2. Re: London - Free? by Anonymous, 129 days ago

    Looks like that site has closed down. But I found a similar one called www.londonfreeloader.com (cool name!) that also lists free and cheap events in London.

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