Green Awards 2006
Posted by duncan, 749 days ago

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Reading event "Green Awards 2006" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
The Green Awards 2006 - For Creativity in Sustainability:
"It's become quite evident over the last 18 months that environmental issues have now risen to the top of the news agenda. Stories about the effects of global warming, climate change, the polar ice caps melting, acid seas, deforestation, water shortages and flooding disasters on a catastrophic scale.
Today brands and organisations built on strong ethical and environmental credentials are becoming more influential across sectors as diverse as banking and retail, to food and pharmaceuticals. Marketeers and communications experts understand only too well the strong link between corporate reputation and customer trust, which in turn feeds through into brand strength and an organisations public positioning.
According to Mori, 82% of consumers want companies to make more effort to show what social, environmental and fair trade activities they are engaged in. The good news is that many businesses and corporations today see social and environmental issues as being critical to their overall success.
There's likely to be unprecedented change in the way business is conducted as the 21st Century unfolds, and marketing has the necessary culture of innovation to lead that change.
Successful companies recognize that integrating responsible business practices into mainstream business can provide a number of benefits but that these benefits only come with good communication. It's now time to change the face of business.
As marketing is a key driver of economic growth it is ideally placed to become a key driver of responsible growth and take a lead in solving some of these issues in a creative way by persuading people to adopt greener lifestyles as opposed to encouraging unbridled and inconspicuous consumption.
The inaugural Green Awards will be officially launched to the press in April 2006, and entries will be open to businesses and organisations who develop and deliver marketing communications across all channels of communication."
The Green Awards 2006 - For Creativity in Sustainability:
"It's become quite evident over the last 18 months that environmental issues have now risen to the top of the news agenda. Stories about the effects of global warming, climate change, the polar ice caps melting, acid seas, deforestation, water shortages and flooding disasters on a catastrophic scale.
Today brands and organisations built on strong ethical and environmental credentials are becoming more influential across sectors as diverse as banking and retail, to food and pharmaceuticals. Marketeers and communications experts understand only too well the strong link between corporate reputation and customer trust, which in turn feeds through into brand strength and an organisations public positioning.
According to Mori, 82% of consumers want companies to make more effort to show what social, environmental and fair trade activities they are engaged in. The good news is that many businesses and corporations today see social and environmental issues as being critical to their overall success.
There's likely to be unprecedented change in the way business is conducted as the 21st Century unfolds, and marketing has the necessary culture of innovation to lead that change.
Successful companies recognize that integrating responsible business practices into mainstream business can provide a number of benefits but that these benefits only come with good communication. It's now time to change the face of business.
As marketing is a key driver of economic growth it is ideally placed to become a key driver of responsible growth and take a lead in solving some of these issues in a creative way by persuading people to adopt greener lifestyles as opposed to encouraging unbridled and inconspicuous consumption.
The inaugural Green Awards will be officially launched to the press in April 2006, and entries will be open to businesses and organisations who develop and deliver marketing communications across all channels of communication."
Start date: Wed Nov 29, 2006
End date: Wed Nov 29, 2006

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Here's a map to the event:
They've sold out but I'll bet there's going to be plenty of news coverage.
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