Camden Green Fair and Bikefest
Posted by suttree, 923 days ago

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Reading event "Camden Green Fair and Bikefest" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
"Come take part in the 15th Annual Camden Green Fair! Spend the day enjoying the festivities and discover just how easy it is to make the small but important changes in your lifestyle that will help make London a more sustainable city.
This year's theme is Renewable Energy, and attractions will include live music on a renewable energy powered stage, a children's zone, environmental and community projects, a young people's zone, international food and drink, green technology, a health village, arts and crafts, bicycle workshops, bike trials, a recycling and resources village, an electric car rally and demo, and a mini animal farm."
"Come take part in the 15th Annual Camden Green Fair! Spend the day enjoying the festivities and discover just how easy it is to make the small but important changes in your lifestyle that will help make London a more sustainable city.
This year's theme is Renewable Energy, and attractions will include live music on a renewable energy powered stage, a children's zone, environmental and community projects, a young people's zone, international food and drink, green technology, a health village, arts and crafts, bicycle workshops, bike trials, a recycling and resources village, an electric car rally and demo, and a mini animal farm."
Start date: Sun Jun 04, 2006
End date: Sun Jun 04, 2006

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