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entrading - new shop

Posted by powki_st2, 15 days ago

Tags: home_life shop

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Hey friends.. by Anonymous

Reading article "entrading - new shop" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
new shop opening in glasgow city centre full of environmentally friendly stuff - looks good!


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  1. Re: new shop by ecosrights, 12 days ago

    I've just checked out Entrading's website. There's not much there yet, but the address is:

    88 West Regent Street
    G2 2QZ
    Tel/Fax 0141 332 2424

    It looks as if they are selling green non perishables (by this I mean everything from clothes to paint, but not foodstuffs).

    If anyone goes, please let us know if they live up to expectation or not - it certainly looks good.

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    1. Re: Re: new shop by Anonymous, 3 days ago

      Entrading would like to say thank you for noticing our website. We're working hard to develop it - so more should be on the site already. We are trying very hard to open our shop in Glasgow soon. Can't bore you with all our frustrations with utilities and builders - but we have committed to open in February 2007, even if it's the very last day! I will personally feel embarrassed if we don't. I really hope people will find the shop fun, interesting and, above all, of benefit to the world.... James Curran

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      1. Re: Re: Re: new shop by ecosrights, 2 days ago

        Good luck to you James. I think that it's great that you're opening the shop in a prime location. Too often "green" shops are tucked away in the back of beyond so a special effort has to be made to get there.

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