Universal overhauls CD packaging
Posted by suttree, 918 days ago
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/515057...

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Reading article "Universal overhauls CD packaging" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Now that's what I can reacting to a threat:
"The world's biggest record company is to sell CDs in basic cardboard sleeves in a bid to compete with online sales."
Online music sales are really putting the big music companies in a tight spot. A large proportion of their product is trashy rubbish that is clearly over-priced and the new methods of online media distribution is highlighting this. Cardboard CD cases is a great way to counter this, albeit in a small way, especially from an industry that used the nasty trick of two different versions of CD singles in order to increase and sustain their chart position. Now, if only it was recycled cardboard.
Now that's what I can reacting to a threat:
"The world's biggest record company is to sell CDs in basic cardboard sleeves in a bid to compete with online sales."
Online music sales are really putting the big music companies in a tight spot. A large proportion of their product is trashy rubbish that is clearly over-priced and the new methods of online media distribution is highlighting this. Cardboard CD cases is a great way to counter this, albeit in a small way, especially from an industry that used the nasty trick of two different versions of CD singles in order to increase and sustain their chart position. Now, if only it was recycled cardboard.

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that, I have to say is excellent news. That's a lot of saved plastic and nasties..... about time too.
I just hope that the others follow suit.
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Excellent news! I really hope more companies follow suit too. it's SUCH a waste...it's criminal.
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