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Are Coca Cola doing enough?

Posted by ecosrights, 510 days ago

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Reading article "Are Coca Cola doing enough?" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
There have been various "green" announcements recently made by big FMGC's. One that has stood out for me is Coca Cola's announcement that they are making their packaging "greener" in the UK by reducing the weight of the bottles from 26g to 24g (apparently, in tests, consumers couldn't tell a difference).

My first point - why only the UK?

Secondly, isn't there a greener solution than plastic, that is easier to recycle? Not many people think to recycle plastic bottles. Isn't there something biodegradable (possibly corn starch based)?

In my mind, too many of these big companies only make small gestures but make them sound really big so that we are impressed and have more faith in them (it's like Sainsbury's giving away a bag for life on certain days of the year. Why not take the route Ikea have of charging 10p a bag for the nasty plastic things. I'd be interested to see the impact of that on their bag consumption)

Lenor is the other brand - they are pushing their concentrates by saying that if everyone bought concentrate, there would be 14000 fewer lorries on the roads per year. But that is only if you use the correct amount, and in my experience, people don't - they use a lot more than they need to, so the saving is probably half of that.

Having said that, any reduction in impact on the environment is good, so it's good they are making these moves, but they need to do a lot more.


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