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Teaching our kids

Posted by happy2bg33k, 169 days ago

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Yesterday I had the nicest experience of talking to my youngest about the 3 R's (reduce, reuse recycle). It was great to see him understand why we need to do it and to suggest ways our household could help out. One of those great teachable moments! Reply to this article / Report this article
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Re: Teaching our kids by RoxyMoron, 174 days ago

And by the way, I think TV is a great medium to get the message out. TV seems to have become the new babysitter, and if kids are going to be in front of it all day, they might as well learn something!

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  1. Re: Re: Teaching our kids by ecosrights, 174 days ago

    quite, I'd much rather that the things kids watch are educational (not necissarily in an obvious way as it would put some kids off on principle)

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