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Ethical Fashion

Posted by duncan, 551 days ago

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Reading event "Ethical Fashion" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
This isn't based in the UK, it's in Paris, but you can travel on the Eurostar pretty easily, so that's my excuse for posting it...

"The 3rd edition of Ethical Fashion Show will take place on October 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th at the Tapis Rouge, 67 rue du Faubourg Saint Martin 75010 PARIS.

The trade days are reserved for professionals.
Sunday October 15th will be open to the general public."


Start date Start date: Sun Oct 15, 2006
End date End date: Sun Oct 15, 2006

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  1. Re: Ethical Fashion by shinningstar, 550 days ago

    I never seen a real Ethical Fashion Show. For sure the events will gather different professional guest from different places.

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