Eco Living Fair - Bristol
Posted by duncan, 1531 days ago

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Reading event "Eco Living Fair - Bristol" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
"After a very successful inaugural year in 2005, Bristol’s ‘alternative homes and gardens fair’ returns with a wealth of stalls, demonstrations, talks and activities on an eco-building and eco-living theme. Special guest this year is Dick Strawbridge, from the BBC 2 series ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’, who will be opening the fair and signing copies of his book accompanying the series. He will also give a talk about the his family’s remarkable self-sufficiency project, and reveal how it’s all been going since the cameras stopped rolling."
"After a very successful inaugural year in 2005, Bristol’s ‘alternative homes and gardens fair’ returns with a wealth of stalls, demonstrations, talks and activities on an eco-building and eco-living theme. Special guest this year is Dick Strawbridge, from the BBC 2 series ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’, who will be opening the fair and signing copies of his book accompanying the series. He will also give a talk about the his family’s remarkable self-sufficiency project, and reveal how it’s all been going since the cameras stopped rolling."
Start date: Sat May 13, 2006
End date: Sat May 13, 2006

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