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About Globalkids
Globalkids is a family run ethical business which sources organic and fair trade products in a sustainable way. We specialise in providing a unique range of beautiful organic baby clothes, unusual hand made organic baby gifts, organic baby skin care plus fun and sometimes quirky fair trade toys, books and games for children of all ages. You can find us at
We believe, like an increasing number of people including other organisations involved organic children’s clothes companies, that the over-use of chemicals, non-sustainable materials, and poverty-inducing trade terms are not healthy for consumers, producers or the planet at large. We also believe in showing our children how the choices we make, one step at a time, can contribute to big improvements for all of us in the future. That’s why we take care to source for example only natural and organic baby products, organic baby clothes, organic skincare products and fair trade toys
We aim to provide organic baby gifts which make it easy, fun and interesting for parents and their babies and children to start on the journey of a healthier, fairer, more sustainable way of living - so that our children really grow up being ‘global kids’
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