Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how to live a more eco-conscious life? We started doing so to simplify our lives but sometimes I feel as though it has made our lives a little more complicated in some ways.
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Sombrero Fallout 904c2f2f-4e79-40b4-8830-16b4909b1948 The wearer of this fallout will receive many funny looks, but there can be no doubt that this is truly a king Sombrero in a world reduced to poor imitations.
Every little helps. If you look at the bigger picture - not just in terms of what you are doing for the environment, but for your direct health, your bank balance etc, it begins to add up and become easier. My challenge is when the greener method takes significantly longer.
I find it important to have a certain tolerance level. For instance, when I'm visiting family 300 miles away, it would be best to take the train, but with a 3 year old, I don't believe 5 hours of train travel (3 different ones) is practical, nor is 5-6 hours in the car. Therefore I accept that flying is the most practical method, and try to off set this through tree planting and our lifestyle in general. Being as green as I would like to be isn't always practical - in the mornings the extra 40 mins in bed is too valuable to me and my son to walk instead of driving to nursery, but unless the weather is really bad, or he is ill, I walk to get him and travel home on the bus as there is more time.
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You've hit the heart of the way I look at it too. Flexibility is very important in a lifestyle, I get very frustrated when people assume that things always have to be done exactly "this" way to make it work. You have to take real life situations into account sometimes.
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