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Spring is on its way! What is in your garden?

Posted by EviesEarth, 654 days ago

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With spring approaching many are preparing their gardens. Anyone here plant vegetables or flowers?
I planted some seeds yesterday. We have to wait for the final frosts to come before we put too much out. Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
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Re: Spring is on its way! What is in your garden? by luvcamerasnic, 654 days ago

I do not yet have a garden. As the mother of a one year old, I do not have time for gardening. I like the lazy garden idea though! And, I LOVE SPRING!

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  1. Re: Re: Spring is on its way! What is in your garden? by ecosrights, 654 days ago

    You can still go for your own herbs or a pot with carrots in.... both great for when you start weaning the baby. It's also quite a theraputic thing to do when you've got a baby around (I managed to maintain a small veg patch when our son was that small, this year's should be the best - he's nearly 3 now)

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