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Al Gore

Posted by angelicwriter, 215 days ago

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What is your opinion on Al Gore and the state of global warming? What do you think of the whole thing? Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
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Re: Al Gore by ecosrights, 221 days ago

I think that Al Gore has done a good job in terms of raising people's awareness and possibly speeding up some in responding to the state of the damage we are doing to the environment. I'm not sure he's doing it in the best way (I know that his forms of transport and the amount of travel he does are often met with upset) but he's certainly making an impact and if that is what it takes to make people sit up and listen, then great.

Sustainable / Green living has, until recently, been something that only a small number of diehards will consider and strive towards, but now I should think that well over half of people in the West have some awareness and desire to reduce their impact. I would hope that it was more like 90%, but realistically I think a lot of people are all talk and no action...

There are some that believe that changes have to be made at an international / government level and then there are others that feel that you can make a difference, no matter how small, on your own doorstep. I fall into the latter of those two, but Al Gore, although he says we can all make a difference, is targetting the bigger players, therefore has to make a bigger statement to do so. Schools are showing The Inconvenient Truth in the UK, so it must be making some sort of impression.

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