Is this hard for you?
Posted by happy2bg33k, 595 days ago
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Re: The Bradshaws Christmas... by ecosrights
Re: Re: Re: Nappies - the d... by Anonymous
Re: Re: Re: Lapland UK 2008... by ecosrights
Re: Re: Lapland UK 2008 - B... by Anonymous
Re: Fenwicks Christmas wind... by ecosrights
Re: Re: Ditch those Nasty C... by mandj
Re: Homemade Christmas Pres... by JoP
Re: Ditch those Nasty Clean... by ecosrights
Re: Ditch those Nasty Clean... by mandj
Re: Ditch those Nasty Clean... by ecosrights
Reading discussion "Is this hard for you?" - Join this discussion / 9 comment(s)
Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how to live a more eco-conscious life? We started doing so to simplify our lives but sometimes I feel as though it has made our lives a little more complicated in some ways. Reply to this
Do you find yourself constantly thinking about how to live a more eco-conscious life? We started doing so to simplify our lives but sometimes I feel as though it has made our lives a little more complicated in some ways. Reply to this


Leeds Castle Christmas 2008 by ecosrights
Gateway Primary Christmas F... by ecosrights
Father Christmas at the Orc... by ecosrights
Christmas Light switch on 2008 by ecosrights
Fenwicks Christmas window 2008 by JoP
Bluewater's winter wonderla... by ecosrights
Transition: Food and Farmin... by Soily
Fireworks Spectacular by ecosrights
Saltwell Park Fireworks 2008 by ecosrights
Blackheath Fireworks 2008 by ecosrights
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I wish it could be a lot easier, especially for those of us who are always busy. I can't always think of everything and it kind of upsets me :(
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What I always tell myself is-I will make an effort to do the best I can! Really, that is all one can do. You don't want to spend your life trying to better it and be totally stressed out in the process.
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That's true. If everyone just did a little bit, it could make a great impact on the rest of us so we don't feel like we have to pick up the slack!
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I guess I hadn't thought of it more globally than my own household. You both make good points in that saving the world and the environment is completely up to my family. In fact it sounds silly when i say it aloud!
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At least that is what I tell myself. :)
Also, in a non-condescending way, I try to talk to others about some of the changes I have made in my life. Hoping that some of this will rub off on others and inspire them to do the same.
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Every little helps. If you look at the bigger picture - not just in terms of what you are doing for the environment, but for your direct health, your bank balance etc, it begins to add up and become easier. My challenge is when the greener method takes significantly longer.
I find it important to have a certain tolerance level. For instance, when I'm visiting family 300 miles away, it would be best to take the train, but with a 3 year old, I don't believe 5 hours of train travel (3 different ones) is practical, nor is 5-6 hours in the car. Therefore I accept that flying is the most practical method, and try to off set this through tree planting and our lifestyle in general. Being as green as I would like to be isn't always practical - in the mornings the extra 40 mins in bed is too valuable to me and my son to walk instead of driving to nursery, but unless the weather is really bad, or he is ill, I walk to get him and travel home on the bus as there is more time.
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You've hit the heart of the way I look at it too. Flexibility is very important in a lifestyle, I get very frustrated when people assume that things always have to be done exactly "this" way to make it work. You have to take real life situations into account sometimes.
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It may sound silly, but for us busy people with a conscience, we should probably make an eco-living schedule, so we won't forget to do the things we mean to do to help out our environment without feeling like we're too rushed.
We can right down our ideas and work them into our time. I'm going to start right now! :)
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What a great idea! I think I will start doing this also. I am such a list maker, this will work for me. :)
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