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Herbal and medicinal gardens

Posted by EviesEarth, 461 days ago

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Reading discussion "Herbal and medicinal gardens" - Join this discussion / 10 comment(s)
Anyone grow an herbal garden? What types of medicinal herbs are you growing?
I usually grow basil and the other spice types. I was thinking of adding echinacea and calendula this year. Reply to this


  1. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by RoxyMoron, 461 days ago

    I've been wanting to do this for awhile, since I like going to the herb department in my store and smelling the peppermint and garlic and cilantro...and when I go to the teas I keep telling myself I need to try to grow my own chamomile or ginger because those are my favorite teas.
    Eventually I will have the time!!!

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  2. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by happy2bg33k, 460 days ago

    I grow peppermint for teas and salads and always have an aloe vera plant around for skin and burn emergencies. I would love to grow more but space is an issue :(

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  3. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by EviesEarth, 460 days ago

    I also have mint, I keep mine potted though. It grows like crazy! My aloe vera plant is used quite often at our house too.
    Last year I tried to grow chamomile, with no luck. I am trying again this year.

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    1. Re: Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by jane, 458 days ago

      It's worth remembering that if you are growing mint, it can take over! If you plant it out in a bed then isolate it by putting it in a big pot first (without drainage holes otherwise the roots will escape that way).

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    2. Re: Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by RoxyMoron, 458 days ago

      Is it really difficult to grow chamomile?
      I know most herbs don't need too much other than a simple taking care of but some of them probably need a lot of attention.

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  4. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by EviesEarth, 456 days ago

    Not sure why, chamomile is the only one that did not grow for me last year. Maybe it is too dry where I live, not sure. I will be trying it again though. I really want to grow my own!

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  5. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by happy2bg33k, 456 days ago

    I've never tried to grow chamomile but believe it or not I couldn't get cilantro to grow in my house. I thought cilantro could grow anywhere! Maybe I over watered it?

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  6. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by EviesEarth, 451 days ago

    I have not tried cilantro outdoors. I have grown in on my windowsill in a pot indoors and it did well.
    It is always so hard to tell (at least for me) why something didn't grow-was it too much or too little water, sunshine, or did a bug eat it before it even had the chance?

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  7. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by happy2bg33k, 451 days ago

    As a little update, we found starter herb kits (I think designed for kids) at Target the other day. It's a tiny little windowsill pot, soil and many many seeds for only a dollar! We'll see how they do...

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  8. Re: Herbal and medicinal gardens by EviesEarth, 449 days ago

    Awesome. Only a dollar? I will have to check these out next time I go to Target. Can't really go wrong with only a dollar :)

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