Tuesday 17th February
http://www.ut2004.jolt.co/  UT2004 Jolt  [More like this]
http://www.easy-wine.co.uk/  My PHP cart code in action on www.esay-wine.co.uk  [More like this]
http://www.easy-wine.co.uk/  My PHP cart code in action on www.easy-wine.co.uk [spello]  [More like this]
http://iconomy.addr.com/  Valentines pictures  [More like this]
http://www.aaronsw.com/  Aaron Swartz: Activity Log what's this?  [More like this]
http://www.tkap.org/  PHP Paginator  [More like this]
http://www.axia.org.uk/  Axia ban information  [More like this]
http://rands.jerkcity.com/  Rands in Repose  [More like this]
http://revjim.net/  PHP5's Propel is an amazing library. It is based on Apache Turbine for Java.  [More like this]
http://creole.phpdb.org/  Creole is a database abstraction layer for PHP5. It abstracts PHP's native db-specific API to create more portable code while also providing developers with a clean fully object-oriented interface based (increasingly) loosely on the API for Java's JDBC  [More like this]
http://phing.info/  PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a project build system based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to  [More like this]
http://propel.phpdb.org/  Propel - Extensive templates create the SQL definition files you need to setup your database and the classes you need to work with your data model in your PHP scripts  [More like this]
http://www.b33f.co.uk/  Game servers - CS etc  [More like this]

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